Texas Champion Californian Rabbits
Aaron Webster's 4-H Californian Rabbit Project
![]() 1st place californian meat pen |
![]() Grand champion californian rabbit |
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About our Texas Californian Rabbitry
Californian Rabbits for Sale in Southeast Texas
We are Texas Rabbit Breeders that sell quality Californian Rabbits for breeding stock, show, meat and pets. In fact our rabbits earned Grand Champion at the 2010 Montgomery County Meat Pen Show! You can read more about that exciting success story here: 2010 Grand Champion Rabbits. Also be sure to take a look at our Rabbit Results section to hear about more of our outstanding show results. If you are interesting in purchasing rabbits from us you can visit our californian rabbit for sale page. You must be able to pick up the rabbits in Willis, Texas because as of now we are not shipping any of our rabbits. Once you have visited our Californian Rabbit for Sale page you can visit our contact page for information on how to contact us and to view a map to our house.
How I began my Californian Rabbit Project
I started raising Californian Rabbits in 2006 as a small scale 4-H project. I began my rabbit project with only a trio of californian rabbits that I got from a rabbit breeder in Livingston, Texas. Now several years later I have a very large rabbitry with well over one hundred two hundred rabbits! At the time I wouldn't have imagined what would become of my small rabbit project.
Meat pen rabbits for sale
Are you looking to find rabbits for your meat pen shows? If you plan in advance we can try and breed them for you. We can sell you whole litters for a reasonable price per rabbit. If you are interested please let us know at least two months in advance so that we can breed our does. Visit our reserve your rabbit meat pen page to sign up. I cannot promise you that we will be able to actually breed them for you depending on the time of year and how many does we have.About my Rabbit Website
I started this website in September 2009. My original goal was to just establish a small internet lens so that I could spread the word about my personal rabbitry. Recently I however took this idea to a whole new level. I setup a little system so that I could help others find and sell rabbits also. You will notice that I have more than one rabbit for sale page. This is because I made a system that allowed others to post free rabbit for sale ads on my website. My personal webpage selling californian rabbits is located under the aarabbitry tab on the navigation bar. All the pages under that tab are just my personal rabbitry pages. The other tabs involve different rabbitries too.I have also written a few informational rabbit articles that you can find under the rabbit tutorials tab.
Update: I recently updated and improved the rabbit classifieds system on aarabbits.com allowing breeders to post ads by month :).
Update: I recently started a rabbit breeders directory which includes rabbit breeders from all around the world! The purpose of this list is to help people looking into buying rabbits connect with rabbit breeders in their area or state.
Our Rabbit Pictures
I have added a few very good californian rabbit pictures in our rabbit picture gallery. Be sure to check them out!Plans for my Website
In the future I plan on growing this website and adding more tutorials on raising rabbits. I also have plans to make it easier to post rabbit for sale ads and create free rabbit websites. I may even add an rabbit article directory to this website to help gather more useful rabbit project information in one spot. If you want to find out when I add these features subscribe to our rabbit newsletter below.
Raising Rabbits Newsletter
We will not share your information without your permission.
Benefits of signing up for our free raising rabbits newsletter!Free Rabbit Tips + Tutorials Find out when we have rabbits for sale Receive free coupons and discounts on rabbit purchases Keep updated with rabbit project news Free rabbit pictures Other surprises! |
Our Champions
Although we are proud of most all our rabbits we do have a few that have stood out in meat pen competitions which are listed below:
- 2008- 3rd Alternate Sale Pen- MCF, Rabbits: 29 (Pasque), 39 (Lucy), 35
- 2009- 1PD, 1LR, 2LR- Meat Pen Competition Rabbits
- 2010- 1st- Grand Champion Rabbit Meat Pen- Montgomery County Fair, Rabbits: 1PV, 1ZV, 2ZV
- 2010- 12th Place Meat Pen- MCF, Rabbits: 1AT, 5AT, 3KV
- January 2011- Grand Champion Meat Pen- Willis Prospect Show: 1JA, 2JA, 3JA
- March 2012 - 11th place and 12th place - Houston Meat Pen Competition: 1TXH, 2TXH, 1LXS
- April 2012 - 7th place - Montgomery County Fair (2GXD, 1DXH, 2VXD)
Meat Pen Results since 2011 (Meat Pen Competition Rabbits that we have Sold)
- 2011- Nueces County- Grand Champion, 3rd place fryer +20th place meat pen (YV Litter)
- 2011- Nueces County- 6th place meat pen out of 200 entered (ZV Litter)
- 2011- Trinity County- Reserve Champion Meat pen (GXA, GA Litter)
- 2011- Trinity County- 5th place meat pen (DQA- DA Litter)
- 2011- Trinity County- 8th place meat pen (3AT-3ZV Litter)
- 2011- Trinity County- 9th place meat pen (out of 4,5,6 MXK- 4,5 MK)
- 2011- Trinity County- 11th place meat pen (WK litter)
- 2011- Beaumont County- 11th place rabbit pen (7NK, 2OV- 2UJ bunnies)
- 2012- Cherokee County - Grand Champion
- 2012 - Trinity County - Grand Champion (4CXS, 6FXS, 7FXS)
Bloodline Results- A list of some of the outstanding showing results that have came from breeding rabbits that we have sold:
- 2009- Montgomery County- Reserve Champion pen (FM, HM does)
- 2011- Montgomery County- 3rd and 8th place meat pen (1RV (Bugs) to BT (Beauty-Tom) does) -69 pens at show
Brand New: Check out Meet our Herd; a page introducing you to our rabbit herd and their living environment
Our first two rabbits were named Cornflower (Doe) and Rocky (buck). When looking at our pedigrees you will notice these two as ancestors for most all our rabbits. In fact almost all of the rabbits listed above have descended from them. Lucy, Fate, Hop and Martin came from their first surviving litter. Fate (Doe) and Martin (Buck) went on to give birth to Pasque which became mother and grandmother to all of the bunnies in our grand champion pen.
In addition to our winning rabbits we also have sold quite a few which have birthed other champion rabbits. Fate, Pasque's mother also had another FM (Fate- Martin Bunny) that was sold which went on to birth a Reserve Champion Meat Pen Rabbit. In 2010 someone who purchased bunnies for a meat pen competition informed us afterwards that out of the rabbits we sold them they got a 1st + 2nd place!
Although aarabbits started out very small, through different practices such as line breeding for quality traits and selecting the right rabbits when buying stock we have managed to make an competitive appearance in the rabbit showing world.
Rabbit Shows- Events
Montgomery County Fair Grounds- Pigs, Lambs, Goats and Colts will also be shown
Location: Willis, Texas
Optimum Breed Date September 29, 2011
Sponsored by Willis 4H Club- Cost $15/pen pre-registered $20/pen day of show
Exhibitors may enter more than one pen
Belt Buckle awarded to Grand Champion
This will be the second year we will be doing meat pens. Last year there were 11 exhibitors with 19 pens entered. The rules will be similar to the Montgomery County Fair except that the weight limit of 5 lbs will not apply (at the judge's discretion over 5 lbs can be considered a fault) and there is no validation before the show. The intent of the prospect show is to give the kids and rabbits a trial run before the show. If you make mistakes in breeding, feeding, tattooing or selecting the pen of 3 rabbits- why not do it on this practice run rather than at the fair. Four of the kids (first timers) that participated last year placed at the County Fair. Last year the judge provided a comment sheet for each rabbit in the pen. This was helpful in determining the strength and weaknesses of your rabbits. Use this show as an opportunity to learn and improve your rabbit raising skills and to interact with other rabbit raisers. It is my hope that after the show the group can discuss with the judge and feel the rabbits and LEARN.
Please note that we had a brutally hot summer. Bucks can go temporarily sterile in the heat and it will probably still be hot on the breed date. This will require breeding in the cooler times of day (morning or evening) and breeding frequently (how many times?- we were told 12 times each over 3 days or so when we first started). If the rabbits won't breed on the breed date then breed later- the bunnies can still reach 5 lbs. To get the most out of the rabbit project you need to produce bunnies. If you don't get bunnies- maybe a friend will loan you some of theirs at 5 weeks that you can raise and take these to the show.
See Texas Rabbit Shows to find more rabbit shows in the state of Texas.
Best Rabbit Sites:
A quick listing of our absolute favorite rabbit websites:RabbitBreeders.us- The world's best usa rabbit breeders directory. Find rabbit breeders by state and breed or submit your own rabbitry to the list. We also have added a cool rabbits for sale page to the site to help make finding rabbits as easy as humanly possible!- Proudly created by the owner of AARABBITS :)
http://www.rabbitbreeders.ca/- The Canadian Rabbit Breeders List (sister site of rabbitbreeders.us) RabbitBreeders.org.uk- The Best UK Rabbit Breeders Directory (sister site of rabbitbreeders.us) Rabbit Classifieds - Find rabbits for sale in your area using this cool rabbit classifieds website American Rabbit Breeders Association - the world's largest rabbit and cavies organization |
Rabbit Resources: If you are interested in raising rabbits, I suggest that you check out this Rabbit Articles and Information page. On the page you will find links to tons of rabbit information which includes info on; breeding rabbits, buying rabbits, selling rabbits, rabbit facts, rabbit supplies, types of rabbits, and lastly breeds of rabbits.
Rabbit Supplies: Are you looking to find rabbit supplies for sale? If so be sure to check out the following rabbit supply catalog pages: Rabbit Books, Rabbit Cages, Rabbit Carriers, Rabbit Feeders, Rabbit Food, Rabbit Hutches, and Rabbit Software.
Rabbit Cages, Rabbit Toys, Rabbit Costumes